System Margins Outlook Reports
Find the latest report with up-to-date information on daily dispatch margins, renewable energy forecasts, and interconnector availability.
The System Margins Outlook Report contains up-to-date information on dispatch margins, renewable energy forecasts and interconnector availability in Ireland. Its aim is to enhance pro-active communications on power system conditions.
The report is published regularly. A new document is uploaded every Monday and Friday, excluding bank holidays.
Find the most up-to-date report below.
Reports for Northern Ireland can be found on the SONI website.
Inside the Report
The System Margins Outlook Report includes the daily dispatch margin, renewable energy generation forecasts and interconnector availability for the current week. Its publication follows a pilot phase with the objective of enhancing pro-active communications on power system conditions. Each report contains:
- The anticipated availability of dispatch generation capacity to meet peak demand for each day of the week
- The average and lower confidence renewables forecast
- The availability of the East-West Interconnector and the Moyle Interconnector with Great Britain to support trades*
*Interconnector availability is required when renewable and dispatchable generation are inadequate.
Past Reports
Past reports for this year, 2024 and 2023 can be found below. If you're looking for a report from an earlier year, you can find it by searching the publications section of the website.