Powering Up Fingal to East Meath
Powering Up Ireland
EirGrid is planning to upgrade the electricity grid in the area of Fingal and East Meath to help meet growing electricity demand. Find out how you can get involved and have your say below.
East Meath and Fingal are among the fastest growing areas in the country (as per Census 2022), and with this growth comes a greater requirement for electricity. EirGrid is planning new infrastructure to meet this need, so that electricity supply can be adequately futureproofed.
The Fingal to East Meath Grid Reinforcement is a proposed project to accommodate the continued growth in electricity demand in the region, which is being driven by several sectors.
This includes:
- residential housing;
- commercial and industrial development;
- electrification of heat (heat pumps) and transportation (electric vehicles and public transport); and
- the integration of offshore renewable energy connections.
The existing electricity infrastructure is at risk of reaching its capacity limit. To address this need, new infrastructure is required to ensure a reliable, sustainable electricity supply to communities, residents, schools and businesses in the area.
Key to this project is the development of a new transmission interface substation and associated connecting circuits in the vicinity of North Dublin which will connect to a substation in East Meath.
This project is a critical addition to the electricity network, providing connectivity to the proposed CP1021 East Meath-North Dublin 400 kV underground cable and the East Meath 220 kV substation.
The primary function of this substation is to facilitate power flows between the transmission and distribution systems to enable power to be distributed to where it is needed.
The transmission system can be seen as comparable to the motorway and national road network. As motorways and dual carriageways allow for movement of lots of vehicles; the electricity transmission system allows for power to be transferred most efficiently across regions. When exiting a motorway or dual carriageway it is onto a roundabout, and from there a network of smaller and more local roads. In this way a transmission interface substation can be seen as equivalent to a roundabout where the power is made available for use in the local area by connecting to the distribution system.
What's Happening Now?
The development of this project follows EirGrid’s 6-Step approach to Grid Development (see below) which sets out the steps to be taken to identify and implement the best performing solution that meets the needs outlined.
EirGrid’s Framework for Grid Development is a 6-step process for all EirGrid’s grid development projects, from their conception i.e., identification of a need to develop the electricity transmission grid through to their eventual construction and subsequent energisation.
The graphic below provides an overview of the 6 steps of the Framework Grid Development.
The Fingal to East Meath Grid Reinforcement Project is currently in Step 3. The objective of Step 3 is to identify a best performing technology solution and associated study area, to meet the identified need from the shortlist of options identified previously in Step 1 and Step 2.
Step 3 Consultation
EirGrid held a public consultation and information campaign for Step 3 of Powering Up Fingal to East Meath, from 8 October to 8 November 2024.
This consultation focused on substation technology options and considered the best and most deliverable substation zones. In parallel to this public consultation, EirGrid’s Agricultural Liaison Officers (ALOs) engaged with landowners in the substation zones to discuss potential site locations.
Submissions could be made either online via EirGrid’s consultation portal, by email, or by post, and the deadline for submissions was Friday, 8 November 2024.
Throughout the consultation, EirGrid held a series of face-to-face and online events. This provided an opportunity for them to present information and for the public to speak to members of the project team about the project, give their feedback and ask any questions they may have.
The feedback from the consultation was then reviewed and considered, to influence project design where possible.
EirGrid also held an hour-long online webinar to present details of the project to the public, followed by an open Q&A.
The webinar was scheduled to be held on 24 October 2024, from 7.00 to 8.00 pm, on Zoom.
Community Forum
EirGrid will establish a Community Forum for the Fingal to East Meath Grid Reinforcement Project.
The purpose of this forum is to make sure that the voices of the local communities, and those impacted most by our infrastructure, are listened to.
The forums provide for open dialogue between the project team and stakeholders interested in the project.
The community forums will engage with EirGrid on key project developments such as:
- how we communicate and engage with the public;
- what we need to consider in developing the project; and
- how we can deliver meaningful community benefit to the area where our infrastructure is hosted.
The Community Forum for the Fingal East Meath Grid Reinforcement Project, which will be chaired by an independent facilitator and will act as a consultative body, will not replace any other engagement and consultation that EirGrid carries out.
You can find out more about EirGrid’s existing community forums here.
To express your interest in joining one of the community forums for this project, please complete the expression of interest form.
Next Steps
Once potential substation zones and sites have been identified for the Fingal 400 kV substation, a further assessment will narrow them down to two or three sites.
Subsequently, assessments on connecting circuits will be conducted, including proposed connecting circuits and technologies and potential corridors/routes.
These options will undergo a detailed Multi-Criteria Assessment to identify the Emerging Best Option, which will then be subject to public consultation in Step 4.
General Contact
Gráinne Duffy
Community Liaison Officer
E-mail: Grainne.Duffy@EirGrid.com
Telephone: +353 85 887 4798