
ECP Constraint Forecast Reports

Find the constraints reports for solar and wind in Ireland. These are prepared as part of the Enduring Connection Policy (ECP).

Enduring Connection Policy (ECP)

Enduring Connection Policy (ECP) is the current connection policy outlining the process for grid connection in Ireland. It is open to all generating, storage, and other system service technologies. 

A decision paper was published for Stage 1 of ECP (ECP-1) in 2017 and in 2020 for stage 2 (ECP-2). ECP-2 consists of at least three batches of connection offers. We will publish constraint reports for each batch of applications.

The ECP Constraint Reports are the results of studies for a range of generation scenarios. They show the levels of total dispatch down that solar and wind generation might experience in the future, including:

  • Oversupply (only in ECP-2 reports)
  • Curtailment
  • Constraint

See reports below for the first and second stages of the Enduring Connection Policy: ECP-1 and ECP-2.


ECP-2 Constraint Reports

The ECP-2 Constraints Reports are for controllable solar and wind generation connected at distribution and transmission level.

These reports fulfil the requirement of the CRU/20/060 decision. It requires us to inform generators about possible solar and wind generation reduction levels. This decision announced three annual batches through which connection applications will be accepted and processed:

  • ECP-2.3: Opened in September 2022
  • ECP-2.2: Opened in September 2021
  • ECP-2.1: Opened in September 2020

The reports present the results of analysis for a range of study years and generation scenarios. They include estimated future levels of oversupply, curtailment and constraint. 

The generation reduction values calculated are subject to the study assumptions which are described in detail in the report.

ECP-2.3 Constraint Reports for Solar and Wind

ECP-1 Constraint Reports

The ECP-1 reports are for controllable wind and solar generators with distribution and transmission connections. The study scenarios only cover renewable generators up to and including ECP-1. This means a range of installed renewable generation capacity in Ireland of 4 GW to 9 GW.

These reports fulfil the requirement of the CRU/18/058 decision. It requires us to carry out system studies and inform generators about possible constraint levels. The values calculated are subject to the study assumptions. These are described in detail in the report. 

The reports were initially shared with the ECP-1 applicants. The ECP-1 applications window opened on 27 April 2018 and closed on 28 May 2018. Future constraint levels will be seen by all controllable renewable generators, whether they are ECP-1 or not. That's why we are now making them publicly available.