
18 October 2023

EirGrid to hold information days as Celtic Interconnector construction set to begin

EirGrid is to hold two cable construction information days in Cork next week ahead of the commencement of works on the Celtic Interconnector project.

As part of ongoing information and engagement activities, information days will be held on Monday 23 October, from 3-8pm at Knockraha Community Hall, and Wednesday 25 October, from 1-7pm, at Carrigtwohill Community Centre.

With works progressing on this key strategic energy project, linking the electricity grids of Ireland and France, these events will provide updates on the planned works commencing on the route, timeline of works, information regarding traffic management, and an opportunity to meet the EirGrid team and our contractor’s liaison officer.

The team will be available to answer questions regarding cable construction works and to hear how members of the public can be kept up to date as works continue throughout the delivery of this subsea infrastructure project, which will allow the exchange of electricity between the two countries.

Speaking ahead of the information days, EirGrid Chief Infrastructure Officer Michael Mahon said: “As construction works commence, we want to ensure communities and stakeholders are updated on all aspects of cable construction works and what they can expect throughout this latest phase.

“This project is vital to Ireland’s energy future, and we thank the people of east Cork who have worked closely with us and have been integral in getting us to this stage of the project.

“As with any construction works, some disruption will be expected, however, this will be well managed and we will continue to provide regular updates on construction, impacts and mitigation efforts.”

To find out more about the project, and read the Celtic Interconnector Project Community Newsletter, visit www.eirgrid.ie/celticinterconnector