
22 February 2024

EirGrid addresses NMCI Seafarers’ Conference 2024 on its role in connecting offshore wind energy to the grid

EirGrid, responsible for operating, developing and enhancing the electricity grid and market, today spoke at the National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI) Seafarers' Conference 2024 on its role in connecting offshore wind energy to the grid and its ongoing engagements with key stakeholders, including fishing and coastal communities. 

EirGrid is responsible for leading Ireland's transition to a low-carbon future, so that up to 80% of electricity can come from renewables by 2030, as set out by the government. 

It has been tasked by government to deliver a plan-led approach for connecting offshore wind to the electricity grid. 

At the event, Michael Mahon, Chief Infrastructure Officer at EirGrid, outlined that this will involve the delivery of grid transmission infrastructure to connect offshore renewable energy resources to points on the south coast. 

This will require new electricity substations and associated undersea electricity cables.

EirGrid is part of the Seafood / Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Working Group which is continuing to develop guidance documents for marine stakeholders and ORE.  It also hosted a range of public information events in 2023. 

Mr Mahon said: “Engaging with the public and our stakeholders is essential for our work. It is only with public and stakeholder support that we can achieve our climate action targets and secure a sustainable supply of electricity for the next generation.

“Following outreach in 2023, we aim to deepen our relationships with fishing and coastal communities in 2024 and beyond. 

“We look forward to seeing the conclusions of the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications’ Public Consultation for the south coast Designated Marine Area Plan and aim to be ready for planned stakeholder engagement with options for the offshore infrastructure.”