
7 February 2024

EirGrid 2023 Annual Innovation Report consultation window opens

At EirGrid, it’s vital we work innovatively to reach ambitious 2030 government targets. 

These include the delivery of 80% renewable energy by 2030, reducing GHG emissions by 51% from 2018 to 2030, and net zero carbon emissions by 2050 in line with the government’s targets outlined in the Climate Action Plan. 

To help better ensure both progress and success towards these targets, we are committed to working innovatively. This is so that we can develop and streamline new technologies to support a stronger, cleaner and more flexible grid. 

Our focus areas for innovation are split out into a number of projects. And we have collated all of the work we are doing into an Annual Innovation Report. 

About the EirGrid 2023 Annual Innovation Report

In the Innovation Report 2023, we discuss the key focus areas that we are working on. These include:

  • Enhancing data-driven decision-making using AI - to support our control centres. 
  • Developing a more Flexible Network Strategy - to make the grid more efficient.
  • Championing the emergence of the energy citizen - for informed decision making and continued best practice.
  • Understanding the routes to SNSP (System Non-Synchronous Penetration) - so that we can better connect renewable energies to the grid. 
  • Setting the course for the control centre of the future - using secure technologies.
  • Lead the island’s electricity sector on sustainability.
  • Prepare for a multi-purpose offshore HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) grid - for the transportation and sharing of electricity. 
  • Grow EirGrid TSO capabilities - for developing and operating the new offshore grid.
  • Plan for a net zero carbon, customer focused, export capable power system - to bring in emerging renewable technologies such as hydrogen, connecting offshore wind and also looking at the impact on the economy with continued electrification. 

Also highlighted in the report is the emergence of our ‘Innovation Trials Sandbox’ programme. This is to help support the development and introduction of novel and emerging technologies, products and business models.

We now welcome feedback on this report with a particular interest in feedback from both industry and academia.

The draft 2023 Annual Innovation Report consultation window runs from 7 February to 6 March 2024. 

The final report will then be published 31 March 2024.