Engaging the Public
Engaging with the public is essential for our work. It is only with public support that we can achieve our climate action targets and secure a sustainable supply of electricity for the next generation.
Working with the Public
When we work together, we make informed decisions, to secure better outcomes for everyone. The development of grid infrastructure projects provides a shared benefit across the entire country.
These developments can involve change, which can bring both challenges and benefits for local communities.
That's why we want to get you involved as early as possible to create a stronger and better electricity grid with the least possible impact to you and your community.
Together we can make Ireland's grid renewable-ready as we work towards a cleaner energy future.
Securing Our Future Needs
This decade, we will need to develop large amounts of new grid infrastructure – significantly more than in the last ten years.
We have been tasked with getting Ireland's electricity grid renewable-ready, so that 80% of our energy can come from renewable sources by 2030. We need the support of people across Ireland to achieve these climate action targets.
Our Public Engagement Strategy outlines how we develop relationships on-the-ground and our wish to hear everyone's voice.
Improvement works we make to the grid help everyone's lives. Through our community benefit funds, EirGrid want to ensure that the local community which hosts our infrastructure will directly benefit.
Have Your Say
Before we develop or upgrade the grid, we work with those that may be affected by our plans. On each project, we engage with landowners, community representatives, interest groups and local stakeholders.
Our goal is to find the best possible solution for all. A key part of this is getting your feedback on our plans to get a strong understanding of local concerns and local knowledge.
Your input makes a real difference. So we want to hear from you.
EirGrid Community Forums
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Community Forums
Public engagement often happens through community forums. The role of community forums is to:
- Represent community views
- Identifying partnership and collaboration opportunities
- Provide guidance on local needs and priorities
- Enable timely resolution of local issues related to the project
- Provide feedback to the project team
- Contribute to the community benefit strategy and actively promote the community benefit fund in their area
- Facilitate a local voice and communicate information to a wider group of stakeholders
Members of the community forum will be made up of local stakeholders.
This may include representatives of community councils, local community groups, sustainable energy communities, local authorities, Chamber of Commerce, local development companies, and other relevant state agencies.
Each community forum will be independently chaired. The chairperson will have skills in facilitation, capacity building, community development or rural development background.
See individual project pages for specific community forums.
Community Benefit Fund
We aim to create as little disturbance as possible, but at times work on the electricity system can involve some disruption to communities. For this reason, a dedicated fund for new grid development is made available to provide direct benefits to communities who are closest to new transmission infrastructure.
These funds are proportional to the scale of the project. They aim to:
- Support local good causes
- Help communities transform their area
- Provide the opportunity to each community to become or remain a sustainable energy community
The overall aim is to leave a positive legacy in the communities hosting electrical infrastructure. The community benefit scheme becomes live once a project receives planning permission.
Read our Community Benefit Policy for more details on what community benefit funds are and how they work.
Details of funds are available on each individual project page.
Learn more about our community benefit fund
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What have we funded before?
Clashavoon Dunmanway Community Appreciation Evening
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Energy Citizens Roadshows
Since 2022, EirGrid has embarked on a series of citizens roadshow events aimed at informing local communities on how the organisation plans to future-proof the electricity grid as well as providing information about microgeneration, home energy upgrades and retrofitting grants, and regional development issues.
The roadshows follow on from the Shaping Our Electricity Future consultation programme during which EirGrid sought views and inputs from all sectors of society and industry about grid development.
Upcoming Roadshows
On 10 April, EirGrid will host an Energy Citizens Roadshow in Seven Oaks Hotel, Co Carlow in partnership with ESBN and the SEAI.
The event will host a number of exhibitors working in the retrofit and sustainability space, followed by a panel discussion on the benefits of the energy transition to the people of Carlow.
This session will conclude with an opportunity for questions to be addressed to the speakers.
The event commences at 6.15pm. To learn more about the roadshow and to register your interest in attending, please follow the link below